Lacking energy and focus to get you through the day? Feeling stuck and need a push in the right direction? Have you tried every diet trend out there and nothing works or seems to last? Ready to make 2020 the year to break free from unhealthy food addiction and begin to create healthier eating and lifestyle habits that are realistic and long-lasting?
Eating clean is achievable without dieting, calorie counting and deprivation. Learn easy and realistic clean eating strategies so you can have more energy, prevent disease, improve digestion, manage weight and more.
You will learn:
▪️How sugar and processed foods negatively impact your health
▪️How shifting your mindset can help you reach your health goals
▪️What clean eating is and how it can benefit you
▪️How to replace unhealthy foods with nutrient dense alternatives
▪️How eating clean will help you combat cravings and bad food addiction
▪️About the chapterU New Year 10-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart (begins 1/20/20).
Presented by Susan Sagan Levitan, Certified Holistic Health Coach and owner of chapterU health coaching
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
8pm EST
*If you can't join live, a recording will be sent to your email afterwards*