Signature Program: chapterU-Your Best Chapter

Are you…

  • Struggling with stubborn middle age weight gain— and totally frustrated with your lack of results, no matter how little you eat or how much exercise you do?

  • Feeling badly about aging and the sudden changes in your body—particularly abdominal fat and belly bloat (spare tire, menopausal middle/pouch/apron)?

  • Wanting to feel more energized and fit comfortably into your clothes, but are too tired, stretched too thin, overwhelmed or feel stuck?

  • Riding a hormonal and emotional roller coaster-every day?

If you can relate to any of the above, you are in the right place and not alone. It’s normal for women (and men) between the ages of 38-65 to struggle with weight and the other changes going on in our bodies.

Good news. I’ve figured out a natural, easy and lasting solution to maintain my weight and stay healthy, energized and strong. I want to share my knowledge, strategies and resources with you to help you get the best version of you back.

The chapterU Signature Program-Your Best Chapter
Whether you're frustrated with failed approaches, need some guidance and accountability, or are struggling to begin, the chapterU Signature Program offers an opportunity to jumpstart or re-set your health and create habits for long-lasting change. I’ll support you to better understand and embrace what is going on in your body and help you achieve your goals, feel more confident in mind and body and ready to enjoy the best years of your life

The program follows the unique and proven chapterU system:

  • EAT REAL FOODS (most of the time) to nourish and energize your unique body. No diets, deprivation, calorie counting or quick fixes

  • Apply a HOLISTIC approach and explore how all parts of your life connect to your health as a whole, with a focus on nutrition, exercise, stress. reduction, sleep and self-care/and self-acceptance.

  • SMALL STEPS lead to BIG and LASTING CHANGE. Progress is perfection

  • Keep it SIMPLE

  • ON-GOING SUPPORT and ACCOUNTABILITY to increase your confidence and accelerate your success

Program Benefits:

  • Restore balance, energy and vitality in a way that is authentic, empowering and fun

  • Stop the vicious cycle of dieting and take and keep off weight naturally (if you need to)

  • Curb your sugar and unhealthy food cravings and eliminate food addiction

  • Reduce brain fog and improve brain function

  • Stabilize your mood swings and keep your anxiety and stress at a minimum

  • Have restful quality sleep

  • Find relief for other aging symptoms

  • Increase confidence and comfortable in your body and clothes that fit

  • Create healthier eating and lifestyle habits that will last for the rest of your life

As a certified Health Coach, I am your dedicated partner who will:

  • Help you break through the clutter, understand food and lifestyle choices that work best for your body, mind and age

  • Collaborate with you to create a personalized and realistic plan for whole body health, with measurable goals

  • Provide ongoing education, accountability and resources and support you with step-by-step goals so you can create healthy habits and long-lasting change.

  • Share simple, delicious and hormone healing recipes, meal prep and food storage suggestions (with shortcuts)

  • Cheer you on every step of the way!

Program Details:

  • Face-to-face or virtual session for 50 minutes, every two weeks (remotely or in-person)

  • On-going e-mail/text communication between sessions, as needed

  • Exclusive access to my newsletters, blogs, facebook groups and events

  • Discount off other programs 

6-month program (12 sessions)
3-month program (6 sessions)

*Also available as a group program.  Together with a close-knit group invested in your success, you get the same quality coaching as one-on-one, but a fraction of the cost

Renee Kambar

Mom, Owner, Craft Business, Rochester, NY

I have always been very hard on myself, my worst critic, and have a hard time seeing my accomplishments. Prior to working with Susan, I was struggling with my activity level, my organizational skills at home, and running around with two busy kids, managing two different sports. It was very easy to grab take out on the way to a game, or just not eat at all because I thought I didn’t have time.

Susan helped me establish goals to work towards, gradually so they weren’t overwhelming, and showed me that small victories are just as important as big ones. I almost cried when, during our final session, she read to me a list of my NSVs (non-scale victories) that I should be proud of, and helped me realize that small changes every day really do add up!

Since working with her, I’ve become more cognizant of my eating habits, and am much better at keeping easy and healthy food choices on hand for when I’m on the go. Not just for me, but for my whole family. Meal prep is becoming part of my routine, and I use many of the delicious and healthy recipes she shared with me. I’ve also realized that I can apply the “small victories” theory to many areas of my life, the most important at this time being decluttering and making my house (my kitchen in particular) feel more like a home. I am truly grateful for her guidance, her desire to help me live a healthier life, and now, her friendship!

I actually feel like eating is more of an adventure now...Best of all I don’t feel deprived!

I have to say that one of the great things about this program is it forces me to focus on myself ... something that women often have a hard time doing because we’re concerned with everyone else’s needs and well-being

. I’m learning new things about myself just by taking the time to consider what’s good for ME .... it’s kind of freeing and exhilarating to be all about me for a change. Ha!
— Susan Duffy, NYC, Strategic Communications Consultant
“I was really stuck in some old habits and ways. Overall, I was really not feeling myself and was just not able to get moving with eating well and exercising. With Susan’s support, I’ve gone from stuck to un-stuck and it’s exactly what I needed. Someone cheering me on and keeping me honest with check ins. I’ve lost 10 pounds since I started working with Susan.
— Laura Gavigan, Rochester, NY, Owner of Mindfulmatters585 and Director of Student Affairs at U of R