I am really proud of myself today! After months of practice and many unsuccessful attempts, I finally walked across the balance beam without falling off! It was only for a very short distance, maybe 30 seconds at the most. But, this was HUGE for me since not too long ago I couldn’t even stand up, let alone walk or balance. Over the past nine months, I’ve learned to celebrate and hold onto wins like these, especially on days when I am feeling pretty defeated.


Just like my experience with the balance beam, healing from MY ACCIDENT has been a long and slow journey taking place one step and one day at a time. I spent the entire summer in bed and since then I have been doing everything possible to recover— physical therapy, strength training, deep tissue massage, acupuncture, specialists and more. My bones have healed and I’ve said goodbye to my wheelchair and crutches, but just when one thing seems to be getting better, something else hurts. I’m still limping, weak and frustrated that I can’t do my usual level of exercise (my outlet for mental and physical release, weight management and sanity). Although the end is nearer, these last steps seem to be taking FOREVER.

I’ve been fixated on the endgame and starting my next chapter, but now realize the process is also about the steps I am taking to get there and what I am learning along the way. I’ve learned it’s much better to set small attainable goals and focus on what I’ve accomplished versus everything that I still have to do. Every step, big or small, of my body healing and gaining strength is getting me closer to where I need to be and is worthy of celebration! Progress is progress even if it is slow. And just like the balance beam, some days it’s easier to balance and stay on than others. But, I know, if I fall, I can get back up. I am focusing on my comeback instead of my setback. I’ve learned my body may never be what it was before, but I am committed to make the “new me” the healthiest and strongest it can be.

Whatever your challenge or project is--healing, weight loss, running a marathon, decluttering your closet, you can do it! Break it down, set realistic goals and take small steps. A little progress each day adds up to big results.  And strive for progress not perfection. Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Give yourself permission to celebrate every step of the way.

Whatever your health goals are, you don’t have to do it alone. I can help you. I know first hand how scary and challenging it can be to take control of your health. Accountability is key. Let’s do this together and make 2019 our healthiest and happiest chapter yet.

Learn more about chapterU programs and upcoming events including the chapterU Spring into Clean Eating 10-Day Program starting on May 6.

The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people.

