4 Reasons Not to Diet in January (and what to do instead)

January is upon us. Are you planning to go on a diet or up your time at the gym?? If so, you are not alone. But, before you go down that path (again), here are 4 reasons why you should consider taking a different approach this year (and what you should do instead).

1. Diets don’t work (at least for the long-term). Experts think as many as 80 to 95% of dieters gain back the weight they've worked so hard to lose. Plus, repeatedly losing and regaining weight (yo-yo dieting) may leave your health in a worse place than if you never dieted.

2. Trendy diets are not sustainable. We are already stressed for down-time. Is it realistic for you to be obsessively counting calories, points or macros and logging everything you eat? Are you really going to buy and eat expensive packaged and processed food, shakes and bars for the rest of your life?

3. Deprivation can lead to over-eating. When you deprive yourself, you’re more likely to overeat once you stop restricting. It’s much better to have a moderate and balanced approach to food and eating.

4. Dieting gets in the way of lasting change. In other words, dieting does not help you create healthy habits that last. Even if you do achieve the goals you set—you’re more likely to return to old habits.

So,what to do instead?

The good news for you is you DON’T have to diet or overhaul your whole life! You can create change that lasts by focusing on a few healthy habits and doing them consistently. It works for me and my clients and it can work for you too!! It also can be easy, stress-free and doesn’t take a lot of time!

To help you, join my new FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits New Year's Challenge. Discover 7- simple easy to incorporate and sustainable habits to help you lose and keep off weight, re-energize and feel healthier.

We start on Monday 1/9. There will be tons of tips, support, fun and it's FREE (for now)! Join us!

Join the 7-Day Healthy Habits New Year’s Challenge