Healthy Shamrock Shake Recipe

I confess. I have loved Shamrock Shakes ever since I was a child. Up until recently, I treated myself to ONE every year. A few years ago, I learned what’s really in them and stopped! Wow- 115 grams of sugar in one drink! That is more than 4 times more sugar than what people should have in a day. Plus, food dyes, chemicals and trans fat not to mention almost 1000 calories.

We don’t eat at McDonald’s frequently, but this week I treated my son to a Shamrock Shake (and a Quarter Pounder with cheese). I did take a sip. It was as delicious as ever, but I stopped there.

I do really like the taste and found a healthier alternative I make at home.

This recipe for a healthy Shamrock Shake is not as good as the real thing, but it is pretty good and my kids gave it the thumbs up! It is also low-in sugar and loaded with spinach and avocado (shhh.. don’t tell my kids).

Healthy Shamrock Shake


  • 3/4 cup almond or coconut milk (you could also use canned coconut milk for creamier version)

  • 1/4 avocado, pitted

  • 1 big handful fresh baby spinach (or more)

  • 1/4 teaspoon pure peppermint extract (it's strong so test it out before you add too much)

  • 5 Medjool dates, pitted OR 1 Large overripe banana (frozen if possible), OR a bit of natural honey

  • 1 to 2 large handfuls of ice


  • Combine the almond/coconut milk, avocado, spinach, peppermint extract, and dates/banana or honey and blend until smooth.Taste and adjust the flavoring as needed, but remember it will get dlluted when you add ice.

  • Add the ice and blend again, until the smoothie is as thick as you'd like. Serve right away. You can put in airtight container and store in the fridge.