Eat Right to Reduce Anxiety

You wake up at 3am and your mind starts to race about the list of things you need to get done tomorrow. You get tense and have a pit in your stomach and can’t get back to sleep. Even though each of us experience varying reactions, these symptoms are often an indication of anxiety.

According to the Mayo Clinic, occasional anxiety is normal, but those with anxiety disorders experience powerful, excessive, and constant worry and fear about normal circumstances. Anxiety disorders can involve episodes of intense fear, resulting in a panic attack, weight gain and other debilitating symptoms that can often interfere with everyday life.

Many doctors are quick to offer medication for anxiety. While some anxiety can require medication and professional intervention, there are natural ways that may help calm you when those jittery feelings come on. Did you know the foods and beverages you consume can affect your anxiety??

Emotional eating and reaching for comfort foods when you’re anxious is common. However, the chemicals and sugar in processed foods can cause low blood sugar, dehydration and can even increase anxiety.

Eating the right way can help to nourish your body and reduce uneasy feelings. It can be helpful to hydrate and eat a healthy diet of complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Try incorporating sources of omega-3s, like salmon, canned tuna, or walnuts, into your diet. Evidence suggests omega-3 fatty acids can lessen symptoms of anxiety and increase mood by decreasing levels of adrenaline and cortisol.

While eating the right foods may ease symptoms of anxiety, if feelings and symptoms of anxiety are getting in the way of your work, relationships, or everyday life, it’s important to seek a professional opinion.