Posts tagged clean eating
Myths about menopause and weight loss

Three things I hear from middle-age women…

1) Every women gains weight after forty so I just have to accept it.

2) I’ve tried everything to battle this stubborn weight and nothing works so I am done trying.

3) My mother had uncontrollable weight gain so it will be the same for me.

All of these statements are false. These are myths people tell themselves and convince themselves to believe. So stop doing it!

The truth is you don’t have to accept it, stay stuck or have your mother’s menopause. Here are the facts…

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Michael's Healthy Banana Muffins (so good they don't last past breakfast)

These healthy and sweet banana muffins are a huge hit with my family.

My husband Michael found the recipe online and has modified it over the years. He makes them often for us for breakfast and it takes him less than10 minutes to prepare. Plus, there are only a few ingredients and it’s really easy to clean up. These muffins are so good, they don’t last past breakfast in my house!

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