Consistency is Key!

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We had our first big snow fall last week and my husband and boys packed up their ski gear, bundled up and excitedly headed to the mountain…without me. I have so many wonderful memories of my family’s ski adventures over the years. It’s been 2.5 years since my accident (learn more). I’m pleased with how much progress I’ve made, but I still can’t ski (and probably won’t be able to again).

For as long as I can remember, exercise and being active have been part of my DNA. Tennis, running, skiing, yoga, hiking, biking, swimming, you name it. Besides really enjoying it, exercise has always been my go-to for weight management and stress reduction.

When the pandemic began, I turned to exercise to help me cope with the stress, uncertainly and mixed up routines.

I can do strength training and yoga, but there are many things I still can’t do or can only do on a limited basis (mostly cardio related exercise). I know this because I’ve tried and ended up hurt, set back and out of commission. With all the stress and extra eating that came with the pandemic, I feared I would gain weight if I couldn’t run or do some other form of intense cardio every day. I was frustrated.

Finally, I decided listen to my body and accept what is. Instead of focusing on everything I can’ t do, I started to focus on what my body can do and landed on a more low-impact alternative-walking! I committed to walking 10,000 steps every day and haven’t missed a day since. I walked alone, with my friends, puppy, or father and often got the bonus of extra steps and quality time with my husband during nightly walks. I explored new parks, got quality me-time and even listened to podcasts and audiobooks. Guess what? I wasn’t running 10 miles or even 1, but my walking has kept me healthy and on track and actually has become a great outlet for me during this crazy time. I learned it’s QUALITY over QUANTITY. In time, I may be able to do more, but for now, I’m Ok with where I am.

The key is being consistent. I am committed to getting in my 10,000 steps every day regardless of the weather, where I am or what else is going on. I even bought reflective gear and snow boots with anti-black ice protectors so I can walk at night and in the snow.

So many of us believe we have to get an hour of cardio in everyday and eat perfectly or overhaul our whole life in order to be healthy. What I’ve learned from this experience is that this couldn’t be less true. It’s about being committed to a few small habits and focusing on them one step at a time. After doing something a few times it becomes automatic and all the small steps add up! It doesn't have to be big, you just have to do it! Trust me, you will see positive lasting change.

Besides my walking, I also committed to some other healthy eating and lifestyle practices in my daily routine. They are all super easy and don’t take long. But the consistency adds up and is making me feel super healthy (without dieting or deprivation) and also more in control during this time of so much uncertainly.

I know first hand how effective adding a few small things into your life and doing them consistently can be to help you stay on track and reach your health goals. That’s why I decided to create a brand new program so I can show you how easy and effective it can be for you too. In the FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge, you can learn easy to implement strategies so you can reach your health goals and also create healthier eating and lifestyle habits you can use for the rest of your life. It will be simple, fun, super helpful and FREE (for a limited time). It’s 100% online and everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter where you are in your health journey. The more the merrier!

Registration is currently closed.

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